Thursday, October 27, 2011

Stealbird launches women helmats

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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Edge specific fashial treatment kit lunched

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Saturday, September 17, 2011

Kohinoor Foods form JV with US firm McCormick

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Satish Rao, Managing Director of Kohinoor
Specialty Foods India Private Limited
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Friday, September 16, 2011

Axis Bank bags ‘Overall Most Productive Bank’ and ‘Best Risk Master’ award at FIBAC 2011

Axis Bank India’s third largest Private sector bank received the ‘Overall Most Productive Bank’ and ‘Best Risk Master’ awards in the private sector category at the ‘FIBAC Banking Awards 2011’

Shri S.K.Chakrabarti said “Axis Bank is delighted to receive two FIBAC 2011 awards. This is in recognition of our commitment to provide excellent banking services to our customers and will motivate us to further strengthen our resolve.’’

‘Overall Most Productive Bank’ is awarded to the most efficient user of all the inputs into the banking business, including financial and human capital, while at the same time not compromising on capturing growth opportunities. It is meant to reward all round excellence in managing all aspects of productivity essential in banking, from operating costs to risk management to capital efficiency. The ‘Best Risk Master’ award recognizes the bank that has consistently demonstrated excellent achievements in the areas of credit assessment; monitoring and recovery capabilities.

Shri S. K. Chakrabarti, Deputy Managing Director, Axis Bank
receiving award from Maharashtra Chief Minister Shri. Prithviraj Chavan

The awards were presented by Maharashtra Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan in Mumbai for productivity excellence, at the conclusion of the three day FICCI-IBA Conference on 'Global Banking: Paradigm Shift'. Shri S. K. Chakrabarti, Deputy Managing Director, received the awards on behalf of Axis Bank.

-Transfast PR

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Chandigarh’s first Social Network Cafe ‘Brew & Co.’ opens at  The Toy Hotel

Chandigarh’s fashionable hotel, The Toy Hotel, SCO 165-167, Sector 34-A, today announced the launch of ‘Brew & Co.’, the first Social Network Café of Chandigarh. At Brew & Co., digital events will be regularly held on a variety of subjects as selected by Chandigarh’s Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare and other social media communities. Free Wi-Fi would be available at the Café.

To give a fillip to these activities, Brew & Co. also today announced a prize of an iPad2 from among the people of the region who walk into the café, take their picture, upload it to their Facebook page and tag Brew & Co. in them. Weekly prizes and contests will be held on Twitter and Facebook, which will include free dinners and coffee for the lucky guests.

Talking about Brew & Co., Ms. Saanya Verma, Owner, The Toy Hotel stated that being involved in a  social network has become an important and fashionable part of the life of all of us. In keeping with this philosophy, the  Café had been designed with a lot of attention to detail to ensure that it provides a relaxed, comfortable and sophisticated atmosphere. With vibrant colours and a versatile design, the Café has the  flavour of both a contemporary lounge and café. “At Brew & Co., you can enjoy our wide range of coffee brews as well as exotic alcoholic drinks mixed to perfection with your friends and have a great time,” she said.
In keeping with its worldwide social media outlook, Brew & Co. has an international menu and will serve Burmese, Italian, German, French, Canadian, Australian etc. cuisine. Some of its exotic dishes like Khau Suey, Katsu Kurry (Burmese), Australian Lamb Chops etc. are likely to be a hot favourite among customers.   Brew & Co. will be open from 10 am to 12 midnight, seven days a week. You can follow the Cafe on Twitter @Brew_Co

TV personality Rubina Shergil inaugurates Tressed Up
By-Sohan Rawat

Rubina Shergill, a well known TV personality and a Zee TV Star, inaugurated Tressed Up, a state-of-the-art Beauty Parlour and Unisex Salon located in Sector 10, Chandigarh. This is the second salon in town after the successful venture in Sector 9. Tressed Up is all set to set ablaze the hairstyling landscape of the city with quick, contemporary, haircuts and related services in a delightful manner at affordable prices. Tressed Up, a leading brand in the Hair and Skin Care has entered into an exclusive tie-up with Chandra Veria of Essel Group Company (a venture of Zee Network)

This newly opened saloon will have the expertise of 8 well trained team members including two .hair dressers from Mumbai who have been involved in Bollywood for over 5 years. The Salon has a total area of around 1000 sq feet spread over two floors. An interesting feature of the Salon is a tattoo parlour.

While inaugurating the saloon, Rubina appreciated the services and expertise which will give a new dimension to fashion scenario in  the region. Rubina, the Chandigarh born has spent three years in Mumbai TV industry. She has acted in 9X’s Veerawali, Star Plus’s Sangam, NDTV Imagine’s Palko ki Chawon mei and Zee TV’s Mrs. Kaushik Ki Paanch Bahuein.

Chandra Veria products are launched in India through extensive R&D with mildest preservatives and artificial colours and fragrances. The Company plans to open three more saloon in tricity.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Unwrap your taste buds at Wrapville

To delight food lovers of the tri city, 'Wrapville' has been launched at hotel Aroma, sector 22, Chandigarh. The concept emerged out of the desire to have quick meals, which are healthy and easy on pocket.

Wrapville is an effort to bring together various Indian and International flavors in wraps and kathi rolls made with authentic spices served in minimum time. Every dish here is made live and with fresh ingredients yet the time taken is only 7-8 mins. Also, great effort with our special chefs has gone to authenticity of flavors, like our herb pita which almost comes from any household in Morocco.

Wide range of international flavors from Moroccan to Italian and Mexican have been carefully put on the menu and many more to come. Our in house breads, sauces, dips and potato wedges have been given a twist of our own. We also have few grilled options in fish and chicken served in our own unique way.

At wrapville, we cater to your taste bud, valuing your time, money and health.

Axis Bank and Dun & Bradstreet launch Business Gaurav SME Awards 2011

India’s one of the leading bank Axis Bank and Dun & Bradstreet, today announced the launch of ‘Business Gaurav SME Awards 2011’ to recognize the contributions of the SME segment towards development of business and economic growth.

The Bharat Gaurav SME Awards will be supported by a sector specific ‘Knowledge Series’ in 10 cities in India. Each Knowledge Series event will address 12 identified sector specific issues in addition to covering best practices in financial management. Chandigarh will host the knowledge series on Pharma & Engineering Goods on September 9, 2011 while Ludhiana on Textile Sector on September 14, 2011

S. Chakrabarti, Deputy Managing Director, Axis Bank said, “We are proud to launch the Business Gaurav SME Awards 2011. Axis Bank has always collaborated with its SMEs clients to provide innovative banking solutions. This initiative will further strengthen our collaboration with the SME segment.”

Nominations for the awards are open up to 7th October 2011. SMEs with a turnover of Rs 150 crores or less can send their nominations to Dun & Bradstreet. Nomination forms can be downloaded from or

Dun & Bradstreet will accept the nominations for review and analysis. An independent jury will select the final award winners. The award ceremony is scheduled for November 2011 in Mumbai. Awards will be presented in three categories for each of 12 sectors as well as 1 award for an overall winner.

About Axis Bank:

Axis Bank is the third largest private sector bank in India. Axis Bank offers the entire spectrum of services to customer segments covering Large and Mid-Corporates, SME, Agriculture and Retail Businesses.
With 1411 branches (including extension counters) and 6,871 ATMs across the country, as on 30th June 2011, the network of Axis Bank spreads across 932 cities and towns, enabling the Bank to reach out to a large cross-section of customers with an array of products and services. The Bank also has overseas offices in Singapore, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Dubai and Abu Dhabi.
Axis Bank offers SME lending from 32 dedicated SME Centres and has over 15,000 customers. As of 30th June 2011, Axis Bank’s SME loan book stood at Rs 19,834 crores.
The Bank’s website offers comprehensive details about its products and services.

About Dun & Bradstreet (D&B):
Dun & Bradstreet (NYSE:DNB), the world's leading source of global business information, knowledge and insight, has been enabling companies to Decide with Confidence® for over 168 years.  D&B's global commercial database contains more than 175 million business records. The database is enhanced by D&B's proprietary DUNSRight® Quality Process, which transforms the enormous amount of data collected daily into decision-ready insight. Through the D&B Worldwide Network -an unrivaled alliance of D&B and leading business information providers around the world customers gain access to the world's largest and highest quality global commercial business information database.
Customers use D&B Risk Management Solutions to mitigate risk, increase cash flow and drive increased profitability, D&B Sales & Marketing Solutions to analyse markets, locate prospects and increase revenue from new and existing customers; D&B Export Marketing Solutions to gain significant insight into overseas markets and increase sales; D&B Learning Solutions to facilitate professional growth and excellence among their executives ; D&B Economic Analysis Group to derive pragmatic and solution-oriented analyses of strategic economic and business developments, thereby aiding informed decision making and D&B's Research and Advisory Services to provide customized research solutions and consulting to its clients  in the areas of Risk Management, Economic, Sector and Financial Research.
D&B featured on FORTUNE Magazine's Most Admired Companies Industry List for four consecutive years (2006 -2009), ranking first in the Financial Data Services category. D&B ranked first in the areas of employee talent, financial soundness, long-term investment, quality of management and use of corporate assets.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Hrithik Roshan to be Brand Ambassador for Magic Moments

Radico Khaitan Ltd. has announced that the Bollywood  actor Hrithik Roshan, will be the brand ambassador of the premium brand ‘Magic Moments Vodkain the current year also, with the contract being renewed Hrithik Roshan is a right fit for the brand as he is a youth icon and carries a appeal which is not only energetic but also international in its own way. The celebrity, has played a vital role in increasing the brand’s aspirational value.
Speaking on the occasion, Mr.Abhishek Khaitan, MD, Radico Khaitan Ltd., said, “Mr. Roshan’s association with Magic Moments Vodka has been phenomenal. His endorsement has enhanced and boosted the image of the brand and at the same time it has helped us to reach the right target audience. The trendy, stylish and modern appeal of Hrithik Roshan connects well with the young, energetic Magic Moments vodka brand”
Magic Moments bottle has unique packaging; the graphics are directly printed on it.  These graphics are created on a frosted bottle with a unique guitar shaped glass window; a feature which has not been seen any where in India. The brand is available in six flavours – chocolate, orange, green apple, lemon grass & ginger, lime and raspberry – targeted at the young and the young at heart. Magic Moments Vodka is available in 750 ml, 375 ml, 180 ml and in the International market it is available in 700 ml, 375 ml, 180 ml, 90ml.

About Radico Khaitan Ltd.

Radico Khaitan Ltd., one of the largest liquor companies in the country, is best known for its brands 8 PM whisky, Magic Moments Vodka, Contessa Rum, and Old Admiral Brandy. 8 PM whisky has the unique distinction of having touched sales of one million cases in the first year of its launch. Magic Moments is the fastest growing Vodka in the country, Contessa Rum is one of the largest selling Rum brand among Defence forces. Old Admiral Brandy another winner from the portfolio of Radico is also a part of the millionaire club. Morpheus a Premium Brandy from Radico continues to grow at a steady pace. After dark whisky which was test launched in the mid of 2010 is now being rolled out nationally. 

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Dr. Oetker takes over Fun Foods, launches an impressive range of re-branded products

Dr. Oetker, a German Group with an international presence in 40 countries recently took control of Delhi based Fun Foods, a leading manufacturer of branded packaged food products and market leader for mayonnaise and sandwich spreads.

Under the new branding, Dr.Oetker unveiled an entire range of re-branded products formulated to tickle the Indian palate and perk up different dishes and meals. The impressive range presented in new, improved packaging and labels, included Mayonnaise, Spreads & Dips, Salad Dressings, Mustards, Barbecue Sauces, Mexican Sauces, Chinese Sauces, Indian Sauces, Pasta & Pizza Sauces, Eggless Cake Mixes, Dessert Toppings and Milk Shake Mixes.

Some of the re-branded products that were re-launched included: Sandwich Spread Classic- Net Wt: 300g (Price - Rs 79), Tartare Dip- Net Wt: 300g (Price – Rs 79), Olive Oil Mayonnaise (Eggless) - Net Wt: 300g (Price – Rs 99)

Commenting on the Food market in India, Mr. Oliver Mirza, Managing Director Dr.Oetker India & Fun Foods said, “India is an exciting market to be in with newer taste palates being developed due to exposure by way of travel, media and internet. The Indian food market has been growing at a rapid pace over the last few years. Along with this, food retailing has also ballooned into a significant and profitable sector. This prompted Dr. Oetker’s initial investment which we propose to scale up to strengthen our retail channels so that more consumers can have access to the brand’s international quality and norms”.